Sunday 3 July 2011

Saniflo macerator pumping systems. The ideal solution if you don't have direct access to the conventional drainage system

A typical household usually has bathrooms and toilets with just the one soil pipe to take the waste away and that is usually at the back of the house. So what if you need extra, new facilities elsewhere in your home? An en suite bathroom, shower in a new loft extension or a downstairs toilet under the stairs, for example?

The space saving Sanicompact is ideal for installing additional toilet facilities. It accepts waste from a WC and wash basin, pumping it up to a maximum of 3 metres vertically and 30 metres horizontally.

Conventional plumbing takes the waste away from the toilet through gravity fed 100mm pipework to the soil stack, whereas Macerators pump waste and water away from the unit through 32mm pipework.

An automatic push-button flush is connected directly to the domestic water supply, which rather helpfully eliminates the need for a cistern. Thus saving space, too. Sanicompact requires a minimum of 1.7.Bar water supply pressure.

For further information please visit Saniflo at


  1. This is really informative. Buildipedia Staff ! it happen all the time but it can always be prevented once we have adequate knowledge on how to repair it.
    saniflo macerator

  2. I think with Saniflo's unique system one can put
    a bathroom anywhere even in the most unconventional
    places. A toilet saniflo
    can fit in basement, in a closet, under the
    stairs or anywhere without breaking the floor.
    This really a good point.
